This week is a momentous one. It is the final week of university, I hand in my last ever project on Friday. After that, it's out into the big bad world. Well, hopefully not all bad...
This is the time when, in theory, everything is supposed to come together in harmonious union. I wouldn't use that phrase per se, but I guess things are ok at the moment (I'm highly superstitious about jinxing good things so excuse my underwhelming enthusiasm). I did get my book from the printers late last week though, which I'm actually quite thrilled about! It's a very surreal feeling, seeing your work in print form, particularly as a book. I keep finding myself leafing through it, not really reading or analysing anything, just taking it all in I suppose. That is essentially a years planning and hard work condensed into 52 pages.
It's portable, informative and easy to follow, all qualities crucial to a successful travel guide. However, it is also personal, as I share my experiences and thoughts about a town I know like the back of my hand. I know Falmouth may not seem like the most exciting destination but it has been my loving home for over two and a half years, and I know it will continue to feel like one long after I leave. I hope that through my writing I can show how special this little seaside town is, and through my photos display its beauty in all its forms. I truly wish you were here to see Falmouth for yourself. Until then, let me be your guide.