Today I'm going to throw it back to much warmer days, when our time was taken up with road trips and our only concern was: where to next? Making the most of the sun in between shifts of our summer jobs, we would bundle into someone's car and just drive, not really caring where we ended up. This was before our university work resumed and free time became scarce. To be able to spend our days exploring new places or returning to old favourites was a gift, one that I have probably taken for granted until recently.
I am now facing the prospect of my last summer spent in Cornwall, and nostalgia has hit me right in the face with no mercy. In May I will finish my final pieces of coursework. In June we will be exhibiting all our hard work in Bristol. In July I will graduate. By the start of September I will be back at home, back with my parents, trying to break into the real world (one summer of avoiding it should be long enough... I guess). Oxfordshire is nice, and has plenty of redeeming qualities, but for me it has nothing compared to Cornwall. The absence of a coastline definitely plays a big part in that, as well as the easy going outlook on life that I've grown accustomed to here.
The images on this blog post are just a few of my favourites from around this wonderful corner of the country, reminding me of those laid back summer days...